Despre noi

Notorious Stories is a social club for niche perfumery connoisseurs and aficionados. As the founder of this club, my aim is to provide unique experiences in the form of periodic events, organized at select locations, in the most prominent Romanian cities (e.g. Bucharest, Cluj, Timisoara) and abroad.

Prior to these events, I collaborate with famous niche perfumery houses around the world and I represent them. I also offer in-depth information and knowledge, about their products, promoting their creations within my community. During the events, I organize live sessions with representatives of various niche perfumery houses.

Apart from niche perfumery houses, I collaborate with companies specialized in skincare products and fashion. Consequently, events organized under the aegis of Notorious Stories also promote professional cosmetic products. Samples of the products are usually handed over to our clients through goodie-bag giveaways.

Last but not least, as the founder of the Notorious Stories, I provide consultancy and coaching services for the participants/subscribers, advising on their choice of perfume, how they should relate to the perfumes they are already wearing, or simply teaching them the basics about perfumery.

Finally, I promote the events of the Notorious Stories on the club’s Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as on my blog (


Notorious Stories este o invitație la călătorie în universul parfumeriei de nișă și la descoperirea mesajului pe care parfumul îl transmite in infinitele lui variante. Experiența nu se oprește aici, ci continuă pe piele, cu accent pe produse pentru îngrijire de înaltă calitate.

Povestea clubului își are începuturile în primăvara anului 2020, iar creșterea numărului de membri în doar câteva luni, vorbește de la sine despre nevoia publicului de apartenență la un astfel ce cerc exclusivist.

Notorious Stories se reunește intr-un cadru rafinat, in care membrii pot face alegeri in cunoștință de cauza, pornind de la produse care oferă vitalitate, confort, plăcere și sănătate.


Tel: +40 799 009 003

Monday to Friday: 10am to 7pm


  • IMG_0135-2

    Izabela Bossi

    Founder & CEO

  • Niciun produs în coș.